The Film: The
People Under The Stairs (1991)
What Is It About?:
The People Under The
Stairs revolves
around young teenager Poindexter, or as his older sister Ruby (Kelly
Jo Minter) has dubbed him, "Fool" (Brandon Quintin Adams). Fool
learns from neighbor Leroy (Ving Rhames) that he, Ruby and their
mother (Connie Marie Brazelton) will be evicted from their home if
they can not pay their landlords an enormous amount of money. Not only do they have to pay a large sum, but the family must do so by the end of the next day, which also happens to be Fool's thirteenth birthday. Fool reluctantly agrees to a scheme hatched by Leroy and
Leroy's partner in crime Spencer (Jeremy Roberts) in which they will break
into the landlords's home and steal a collection of gold coins they
have allegedly amassed. However, once they enact their plot, Fool
finds himself trapped inside of the house of the sadistic and insane
landlords, known only as Mommy and Daddy (Wendy Robie & Everett
McGill). Little does he know that, on his way to escaping, he will
find out that Mommy and Daddy have several secrets that they are
willing to kill to keep hidden under the stairs.
Why Do I Recommend it?
So, when figuring out how to start July, in which I'll be writing
about the use of politics within horror films all month,
The People Under The Stairs actually came to me pretty quickly
as my choice for my New Flesh series for this month. Mostly because,
despite the fact that this was written and directed by Wes Craven of
Scream and A Nightmare on Elm Street (among many others) fame, I had never actually heard of it until I saw Shudder's
documentary Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror last year.
I quickly watched it after I viewed the documentary and found it to
be a genuinely impressive and overlooked work within Craven's
filmography. Especially as, to go off of the political theme for the
month, there is a lot to unpack here.
The main political themes in The People Under The Stairs include
its commentary against the gentrification of lower class neighborhoods, often populated by minority groups such as people of color (Such as Fool and his family), by
the rich white elite. For those who don't know about gentrification,
as I didn't for a long time, it is the act of taking property and
rebuilding it to appeal to a higher class's taste. The People
Under The Stairs makes its stances clear from the near start,
presenting us with Fool and his family's predicament immediately
after the opening sequence. To reiterate and expound, Fool's family is the last remaining
family in their apartment building, they're strapped for cash and are
late on a rental payment, something that is forcing them to now pay triple
the usual fee. Fool is given no other option other than to go along
with Leroy's robbery scheme, as Ruby and their mother are unable to
get the necessary cash by the due date. The greed of Mommy and Daddy
as they attempt to gentrify Fool's home forces him to participate in a
series of crimes he is not comfortable with because, as Leroy says,
"He [Daddy] wants to bring the wrecking ball in, so he can line
his pockets." Even without the rest of the the movie that
follows, the film's message is pretty explicit from the premise alone.
People Under The Stairs's other
main political theme is its anti-capitalism stance. While anti-capitalist, or "Eat
the rich", films have experienced a surge lately, resulting in recent works such as Us, Ready or Not,
Parasite and Knives
Out, The People Under
The Stairs was giving us that
message years before
the current crop was. The rich characters in this film, Mommy and Daddy, are, without question, irredeemably evil: They are gentrifiers, they
are willing to murder to maintain their power and status, they've
kidnapped multiple children and force those not up to their standards
to live within the walls of their home. The rich are portrayed as
absolute psychos, while the poor characters are portrayed very well: Fool is shown to be an intelligent, funny and considerate boy
who just wants to save himself and his family from being thrown out and,
eventually, wants to rescue the children Mommy and Daddy have
kidnapped. Ruby is portrayed as
intelligent and resourceful, especially at the climax of the film
when she shows up to rescue Fool with their grandpa and an enormous
group to back her up. Something that ties in with the
anti-gentrification theme, as Ruby tells Mommy, "You're stealing
the tools from our community for your own sick needs," which
shuts her up right as she's about to insult Ruby and Ruby and Fool's grandpa Booker. (by calling them the n word, to boot.) I think that one of the biggest examples of what Craven is trying to
drive home comes from two scenes: One is a very tender scene between
Fool and his ailing mother right before he leaves to begin the scheme
with Leroy and Spencer, that is immediately followed by Mommy
confronting her "daughter" Alice, and
immediately ordering Daddy to beat her "except the face." In that simple one-two punch, he shows the humanity of the poor black family and the monstrosity of the rich white "family".

Contrasting families in The People Under The Stairs (1991)
addition to the political themes, the rest of the film really holds
up as entertaining and good. I often talk about how much I love the
casts of films, and The People Under The Stairs is
no exception. Adams as Fool is great as a horror counterpart of sorts to Home Alone's Kevin
McCallister, delivering reactions apropos to the insanity he encounters
and giving us plenty of great one-liners along the way. My favorite
being, "Your father's one sick mother, you know that? Actually,
your mother's one sick mother too." Robie and McGill as Mommy
and Daddy deliver exactly the
necessary amount of over the top energy required for their batshit
roles. It's very clear the two of them are having a blast as they're
asked to do things lesser actors would balk at. This includes having
Robie run around the house screaming with a shotgun and fawning over
her "little doggy baby", while McGill has to wear a gimp
suit in several scenes, as well as act out eating part of a dead body
before tossing it to the imprisoned children under the stairs. The
supporting cast is fine too, especially Rhames, Minter and Sean
Whalen as the leader of the imprisoned children, known only as Roach. Really, there isn't a face out of place here, and the film is all the better for having such a strong ensemble.

The leads of The People Under The Stairs
final aspect of the film I think is worth noting, in case any of this
talk about politics or the over the top energy of the plot and performances has
left you cold, is that this has Craven's fingerprints all over it.
Or, to use a term I had to learn about repeatedly throughout
my experience in film school, Craven's "auteurism" is definitely on
display. Several of his trademarks are seen
throughout, including his fascination with booby traps, something
carried over from The Hills Have Eyes and
A Nightmare on Elm Street and
dialed up to twenty here. One of Fool's challenges as he tries to escape
the house is that Mommy and Daddy have laid several booby
traps, including an electrified front door, padlocked windows and a
basement staircase that can turn into a slide. There's other little
Craven touches, such as the use of a television playing a film (this
is also something he throws into A Nightmare on Elm Street
and, most famously, Scream),
having a tense set piece involve a character being forced onto the
roof of a house (Something he repeats in three out of his four Scream
films), and the use of the "Lay
my soul to sleep" prayer (Something he's clearly fascinated
with, since one of his final films is named My
Soul To Take.) And,
interestingly enough, the final Craven element is the use of
injecting politics into his horror films, as The People
Under The Stairs joins
Elm Street and his Scream
films as among his films that have a message of some kind embedded within. So, if you like Wes Craven's other
work and want an enjoyably chaotic film with some commentary to boot,
look for The People Under The Stairs.
Available on: iTunes
and Amazon.